Quantum biofeedback is using an EPFX and the Scio this is a device that is highly sophisticated using an Electro Physiological system that utilizes an evoked potential stimuli with sensors that are attached by wires to the ankles, wrists and forehead that measure and feed resonance information between the device and the client. it then uses the trivector voltage, amperage and resistance to calculate the inductance, capacitance , conductance, and resonance during the xrroid test and then compares the resulting resonant frequencies of the body to that of nearly 900 items and compounds.
The ionic exchange of reaction that takes place in body with a feedback loop the device then measures your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds. In turn your body alters its own reactance pulse thus creating a change for example from pain to no pain from malignant to benign, compulsive to anxiety free, imbalance to balance. Due to auto focus function the epfx and scio can adjust biofeedback therapies to ensure and constantly adjust to the correct settings. Unlike any other therapy device on the market the epfx has built in mechanism that monitors the client to change the settings of amplification and frequencies during therapy to allow the device to discontinue once the clients reactions show that maximum effectiveness has been achieved.
Listed are some of the stressors in the human body that it scans : food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, cranial sacral/ spinal, dental,tmj, adrenal function,enviromental toxins, hormone levels, mental energy, hormone levels, organ function, hydration/oygenation, acid/alkaline balance, toxcitities including: exposure to excess chemicals, and heavy metals, trauma, includes physical, physiological, emotional, spiritual, pathogens, bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, homeopathic energetics, allergic reactions, meridian therapy, accupunture, chakra balancing and color therapy treatment for bipolar imbalances, weight loss, risks showing highest to lowest dysfunctions in the body,anti-aging,emotional stress causes and emotional release.
These are to name only a few items that will be scanned and reviewed for the necessary frequency healing that will then be addressed. To make it easy to understand how this works, basically everything has a frequency, including all disease, organs, emotions, pain etc. when the epfx/scio device finds the imbalances causing the stessors in your body it then starts treating them by altering those frequencies to correct them back to a healthy state of balance . Every thing has a frequency, so therefore your deficiencies from not eating right for example: vitamins and minerals can be given back to the body because they to have a frequency. This is not to say once the problems are found it can be treated without actually changing your diet" internally" taking what is necessary for your health being aware and taking it upon yourself to realize that your consciousness already knows that you have just been evaluated of your condition, now it is time to make a change on your part to correct these imbalances. All tests in life including this one rely on a learning experience for us and we are responsible for ourselves once we are aware of the changes we need to make.
As for the therapies that can be done for you, some are listed below............
Autism,alcoholism, bladder, bones, brain, breast cancer, bronchitis, candida, cholesterol, chron's disease, chronic fatigue, circulation, colic, colon, conjunctivitis, constipation, cough,cranial sacral, custitis, degeneration{aging of cells} dental, diabetes, dyslexia, ear, eczema, emotional concerns,endometriosis, epilepsy, esophagus, eyes, fainting, fibromyalgia, gall bladder,gastritis,digestion, headaches, hernia, herpes, homotoxicology, hormone imbalances(hot flashes) hypertension, hypoglycemia, hypothyroid, impotence,incontinence, indigestion, infection, infertility, inflammation, injuries, intestines, kidney, and stones, lactose intolerance, larynx,liver,lungs, lymph, macular degeneration,menier's disease, multiple sclerosis, neurological repair, menopause,osteoporosis,pancreas,menstrual,ph balance, prostate, radiation exposure, reflexology, schizophrenia, sciatic, sinusitis, sleep disorders, spleen, stomach, stress reduction, sweating, tendinitis,thoratic, throat, thymus, thyroid, tinnitus, tooth ache and all dental problems, vaccines, vertigo, viruses and all vitamin and mineral related deficiencies.
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME IF ANY OTHER CONCERNS NEED TO BE ADDRESSED; for an appointment I can be contacted through my email or phone listed under the contact page..
Scio treatment for animal healing modalities are the same as for humans.
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME IF ANY OTHER CONCERNS NEED TO BE ADDRESSED; for an appointment I can be contacted through my email or phone listed under the contact page..
Scio treatment for animal healing modalities are the same as for humans.
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